AI Chatbot Assistant - Mobile App UI Kit - Use Code BLACK2024 for 50% OFF! 🔥


Because even robots need style!

The AI Chatbot Assistant for Figma offers a set of professionally designed screens tailored for mobile chatbot apps. This kit emphasizes usability and streamlined navigation, making it easy for both designers and users.

Included are screens for chat conversations, user profiles, login and registration, settings, and notifications, each designed for specific chat app functionalities and user interactions.

The layers in the AI Chat Pro UI Kit are neatly organized and well-structured. Logical labeling and grouping of layers make it simple for designers to find and edit UI elements, enhancing efficiency in the design process.

Ideal for developers and designers, the AI Chatbot UI Kit provides customizable components and templates, facilitating the creation or enhancement of chatbots. Its user-friendly interface and diverse features help businesses save time and resources while delivering a smooth user experience.

AI Chatbot Assistant is designed in a modern and trendy style, you can easily edit and customize all elements with design components which can speed up design process for your projects. File includes 150 screens which is 100% editable & customizable.

What will you get :

✅ All user flows for fully functional app

✅ 150 High-Quality Screens

✅ Modern and hyped design style

✅ Neatly & Organized Layered File

✅ User-Friendly Design

✅ Made For Figma

UI Kit is ideal for:

⭐ AI Chatbot Applications

⭐ Artificial Intelligence Software

⭐ Virtual Assistant Chat Apps

⭐ Messaging and Chatting Apps

⭐ Language Model Applications

Screens included:

• Splash Screen

• Up front promo screens

• Sign up / Create Account

• Complete your profile

• Let’s start

• Log in

• Forgotten password

• Dashboard

• Prompts

• Suggested prompts by category

• Starting a conversation using suggested prompts

• Text to speech feature

• Assistant screen with a list of all assistants offered

• Starting a conversation

• Create new chat

• Chat History

• Pinned messages

• Delete chat

• Share chat

• Account Settings Screen

• Personal Information


• Terms and Conditions

• Log Out

• Subscriber
 Subscription Management 

• Non-subscriber Subscription Management 

Get this kit and watch your chatbot app go from 'meh' to 'wow' in no time—because your AI deserves to look as smart as it feels!

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